Tuesday, February 01, 2005

First contacts

I emailed three people who made reference to Dubrow's, and have heard back from all three of them! I've sent letters out to twelve of my relatives asking for any stories or photos to include, and I've heard from four of them already via email. (Six of them are relatives without email, so they will take some time). I'm very excited about the momentum that is gaining already.

This comes from an email from Sam Person, who wrote an interesting personal essay that mentioned Dubrow's:

"First, you refer to a Dubrow's on "East" Parkway. The street was EASTERN Parkway, and frankly, I do not recall a Dubrow's there. On this I might be wrong. Also, the one location in Brooklyn you do not identify was, I believe, on Flatbush Avenue near Church Avenue. Again, however, check my facts. The painting of Dubrow's on your blog is great. Have prints ever been made that you are aware of, and if so, where might I find one?"

Here's the link for Ivan Koota's artwork. He is a self-taught artist from Brooklyn and I am not sure if his paintings have been made into prints.


Anonymous said...


I'm Ivan Koota and I really enjoy reading all your remarks about Dubrows. As to whether I sell prints. I do! Check out my web site: www.brooklynplaces.com
for info.
Thanks again I love Brooklyn history!

Eve said...

I'm so glad you found this blog! I love your work.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for rewarding an idle attack of nostalgia with your great site. I think about the place, the murals, the people often. FYI, the cafeteria on chuch and flatbush was the "very refined" Garfield's.

Eve said...

You're welcome!

Anonymous said...

I am at this moment writing from the cyber lounge at the Miami Jewish Home and Hospital for the Aged. Earlier today, one of the residents knowing that I was from Brooklyn years ago asked if Dubrow's was still in business. Interestingly, others in the group off the lobby chimed in with their recollections, and subsequently I went online to see what I could find. What a wonderful experience reading about the restaurant that made me a cumpulsive truant from James Madison H.S.! The cafeteria mentioned by someone in your blog located on Eastern Parkway, I believe, was Famous Cafeteria of which I think there was another one located in Brooklyn on perhaps 86th Street. Thanks for the memories!
Mark Bender

Eve said...

I am so glad you found this blog! Welcome! I would be very please if you would send me stories or pictures about your truant days at Dubrow's (or if anyone else at the home would like to)...you can email them to me at evelyons@yahoo.com or post them as comments on any of the entries.

Eve said...

Wow! Thanks for coming back, Cary.

I love the idea of a tap that dispensed seltzer. I don't think you can find those anywhere anymore.

Yours is the first memory I think I've gotten to hear about the Eastern Parkway Dubrows. I wonder if all the others had seltzer-dispensing taps as well...